View the Most Common Critical Paths

Instead of looking at the critical path on the activity level, you can run simulations on the entire project. Each time a simulation is run, Acumen notes the critical path. As you run more and more simulations, some of the paths get repeated and those most common critical paths are the ones you may want to see.

To view the most common critical paths, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the S3 // Risk tab.
  2. In the Analysis group, click the Run Risk Analysis down-arrow to set the risk analysis options and run risk analysis.
  3. In the Views group, click Right Panel > Critical Schedule Drivers.
    Acumen calculates the most common critical paths and displays them in the right pane.

    This calculation is not driven by the selected activity but is instead calculated at the project level.

  4. In the Critical Schedule Drivers group, click Configuration to select the number of critical paths you wish to display in the right pane.